Monday, 9 November 2015

План-конспект уроку по темі "Sport.Olympic games"

Тема: Sports And Games
Підтема: The Olympic Games
Мета: повторити й активізувати ЛО теми, навчати діалогічному й монологічному мовленню за темою, удосконалювати мовні здібності; розвивати мовну здогадку, ерудицію учнів, навички читання, говоріння, письма; прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості занять спортом.
Тип уроку: урок-гра
Обладнання: підручник, роздавальний матеріал, презентація “ Sports And Games
Хід уроку:
I. Introduction
   Pronunciation Drill
   Answer the questions:
*    What season is it now?
*    What are winter months?
*    What month is it now?
*    What is the weather like today?
*    What do you like to do in winter?

So, today we continue to speak about sports and games. And the theme of our lesson is “The Olympic Games”. You can see the Latin words “Sitrus! Altius! Fortius!”  on the board. They will be the motto of our lesson.
II. Main Part
   You know that the most famous sports competitions take place every four years in different countries. So, tell me, what is the name of these competitions?
*    What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?
*    What do the colours of the circles of the Olympic flag mean?
*    What great sport event will take place in Ukraine this year?
Today we also have a competition between two teams: “Super children” and “Champions”.
1)    Your first task is to match two parts of the proverbs. For every correct answer you’ll get 1 point.
2)    Now, open your books on page 106 and read the text 2. After reading you’ll have to answer the questions. For every correct answer you’ll get 1 point.
3)    Your next task is to answer the questions:
*    When and where did the last Olympics take place?
*    When and where will the next Olympics take place?
*    When and where did the original Olympics take place?
*    When and where did the first Olympics take place?
       For every correct answer you’ll get 1 point.
       Now say true or false
III. Physical Warming-Up
4)    Now your task is to guess the kind of sports. For every correct answer you’ll get 1 point.
*    A net, a ball, two teams
*    A basket, a ball, two teams
*    A tennis ball, a table, a net
*    A stick, ice, skates, two teams
*    A horse, a man
*    A bike, a road
*    Skies, snow
*    A ball, a field, two teams
*    Skates, ice
*    A pool, water, a ball, two teams
*    A park, a T-shirt, shorts
*    A swimming-pool, water
5)    Your next task is to put “go”, “play” or “do” before each kind of sports. You have the lists on your desks. For every correct answer you’ll get 1 point.
6)    Now you have to guess the jumbled words. For each correct word you’ll have 1 point.
7)    Your next task is to guess the sportsman.
I think you also want to be famous sportsman, so what kind of sport do you go in for? As for me, I go in for skiing and what about you?
IV. Summarizing
8)    For the summary of our competition let’s play “Crocodile”.
Now, let’s sum up the results of our game.
V. Home Task
    Write 5 sentences about your favourite kind of sport.

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